I had to do it. The baby mullet was out of control. He had to get a haircut.

The lady thought he was a year old. She couldn't believe it when I told her he was only 7 months.

You would have thought he had had lots of haircuts. He just sat there watching Dora. He didn't look like a baby. He looked like a little kid.

After it was finished. I did not like it. His crazy hair was part of the adorable baby he is. He is so social, and loves the attention he gets from his hair.

Whew!! After giving him a bath, crazy hair came back!
Oh my heck, that little kid puts the biggest smile on my face. I still can't wipe it off. I'm glad his hair popped back into it's old ways because he is ADORABLE!
He is so cute and looks just like YOU!! I can't believe he just sat and got his haircut at 7 months old. Adorable is right!
So, so cute, Darbie! I love the hair and those huge smiles.
thank you, that made my day! that poor kid is going to fight that hair his whole life but he looks totally happy about it! what a cutie!
He is dang cute. That hair reminds me so much of Dylan. When it finally got long enough that it laid down...it made me so sad.
LOVE the crazy hair too! He is SUCH a cutie!!! And what a good little guy to sit so well for his haircut!
he does look like a kid! An adorable one!
Wow, what a trooper to just sit still for his first haircut!! That's how I felt after we cut Jack's curls off for the first time, I was so relieved to see that it remained curly. I love his new hair cut and that it still sticks straight up...so cute!!!!
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