Last night as I was fixing dinner I saw a woman walk by our back door a couple of times. The second time around she asked if she could look through our toys and sandbox. A little weird, but OK. She then said, "somebody let a pet boa constrictor out and it got away. I just want to see if it is hiding in your stuff." um ...WHAT????!!!!! If I have an irrational fear it would definitely be of snakes. I don't like mice and spiders, but they definitely don't send me into a panic attach if I know one is near by.
Of course the first thing I think is, well we won't be going outside again until it snows. But, that wouldn't work because my kids LOVE playing outside. So then the next thought is what happens if we are outside playing and Corbin finds it while he is playing in the sandbox, or leaves, or dirt?
After I recovered from the shock I wished I would have asked the lady to come back and tell me when they found the snake. I didn't care if I sounded like a hypochondriac.

You still don't know if they found it?!?!?! AHHH!
oh yikes!!! I don't think i would be going outside till it snows either! you'll have to let us know if they found it
AHH!!! I don't blame you. I also cannot stand snakes, mice, and especially spiders. I don't like to know anything is around! Hopefully you'll find out soon, poor Corbin (especially) loves to be outside!!!
Um EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! I would be checking every inch around me for days in a sweating panic!
P.S.Another thing we could do without- blasted SNAKES!! YIPES!!!
THANKS A LOT for posting the picture of a snake!!! Now I am going to have nightmares for sure! I still can't stand not knowing if they found it. I think I will put something on your porch to attract it to your apartment to keep it away from mine. Sound good? ha. ha. just teasin.
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