Of course, Corbin preferred playing in the dirt and riding in the wagon to picking out pumpkins.
For carving, it was Brittan and Daddy, as Darbie was out visiting teaching. So we did it Daddy-style. First, we sketched out potential pumpkin faces on paper. Brittan did some, too, although they all had legs. I'm not THAT good at pumpkin carving.
Brittan settled on a design ("I like the silly one, Daddy"), with one added touch: she insisted it have a tongue. Ok, that's do-able. So we sketched the design on the pumpkin, and carved away. Brittan was adamant that she help, so she held the knife handle, too--I was sure she would lop off my guiding finger. She did a nice job scooping out the seeds and providing play-by-play commentary: "Ewwww, grossss!" as pumpkin guts went flying. Good thing that Darbie had the foresight to put down some newspaper before she left. The process and finished product:
And the costumes--a rodeo queen (NOT a cowgirl, as Brittan would correct you) and Superman:
they look so cute! ya know around here a cowgirl look is normal :) love superman. and i agree that the tongue looks like a tooth, but you don't have to tell her than.
SOOOO CUTE! I love the pictures! Looks like you had a great Halloween! Yay!
I love how brittan is making the same face as the pumpkin in the picture.
And good for her for knowing that they weren't pumpkin seeds, but "pumpking guts"! more proof her daddy is having a POSITIVE influence on her.
a pumpkin with legs... now THAT would be awesome! what a creative little monster!
It's so strange how Brittan looks and acts NOTHING like her daddy. Are you sure she's yours??
How fun!!! What a great looking pumpkin Brittan--- Ethan wants you to know he likes it. He also loves your costume and wishes you could have been here to be his partner, girlfriend. He was a cowboy. ( You two are destined for each other :) Corbin you can be their protector.
Miss you all... (Darbie-- I know what you mean. You know me I love holidays, but I admit I am glad this is over. I am exhausted!!)
Happy Halloween to you guys. What a darling Rodeo Queen you are Brittan and I love Corbin as Superman!! how fun :)
way fun! we skipped the carving this year and thankfully the kids didn't even notice ;) the rodeo queen and superman are adorable!!
I still cant believe that corbin wore YOUR pajamas for halloween, he's growing so fast!
(word verification - socratio)
Love the pictures. Looks like a good time. Cute costumes too!
Love their 4 year pix.
We would love to hook up with ya when your in Antioch. Let's figure out a date!
Hey Darb I found you surfing. How are you? I can't believe the twins are 4. Time sure does fly. Check us out at jeffjacksadie.blogspot.com
email me sadieann@email.com
I would love to catch up. Merry Christmas.
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