After two of the busiest months we've had in a long time, I think life is starting to settle down. We had Thanksgiving at our apartment again this year with the added bonus of my brother, Luke, coming to visit. Not only was it is first trip here, but it was his first time on a plane. Brittan loved having Uncle Luke at her house and would wake up every morning, run out in the family room and make sure he was still here. We then had a week to cram in Christmas parties and packing before the kids and I took off for a three week Christmas break.
We first went to Utah for a week for my brother's wedding. I had great intentions to see a bunch of friends and jam in everything Christmas I could in one week. However, after being there two days Corbin got the flu and I had to cancel plans with friends, which I was not happy about. It didn't, however, cancel wedding preperations and the wedding turned out to be a lot of fun (even though Corbin did get into the Brownies playing in them like he would the dirt). Brittan and Emily's (my new sister-in-law) little sister, Lindsey, were joined at the hip and made the cutest flower girls.
After being in Utah for a week we flew to California to spend Christmas with Shaun's family. We crammed quite a bit into those two weeks also. Brittan got sick the day we left and luckily didn't throw up until we got to Grandma and Grandpa's house. She got a couple of days to feel better and then Grandma and Grandpa took us to Disneyland for Christmas. It was the first time I had been to Disneyland, and I think I had as much fun as the kids. I had the best time watching Brittan. She was so star struck by the Princesses. She loves the Disney princesses, like most 4 year olds, and couldn't believe she wasn't getting to meet them. Shaun's mom made her an amazing Belle dress and she loved being told she looked just like Belle. One of the highlights was a lunch with the princesses. Brittan was ready with her dress and her autograph book. She couldn't have been happier. I was worried about Corbin because he doesn't do the crowds or lines. But because of the weather, there weren't too many people and I think he had a great time. One of his highlights, of course, was a roller coaster in toon town. He went on it three times and loved every minute of it.
While we were there, Shaun and I also got to spend two days in San Francisco while Shaun's parents kept the kids. We had a blast walking around the city two days before Christmas. It was a very busy Christmas, but lots of fun.
I love this picture! I thought for sure Brittan would be too afraid of the characters to take pictures. She surprised all of us by asking to take a picture with them. I think the princesess broke the ice the day before.
Brittan in her Princess dress ready to go and meet the Princesses.
Meeting the Princesses at the Princess lunch.
Corbin and Daddy waiting for Mommy and Brittan to get off a ride.
I have never seen her this tired, ever! She had the best day, and by 6:00 she was out cold. She slept in the car, at Denny's on the seat, and then after we got her home. She didn't wake up until 6:00 the next morning.
Corbin isn't much of a picture taker.
Brittan and Lindsey. They had a blast together and she still asks when she can play with her friend Lindsey.

Getting ready for the reception to start.
looks like you guys had a great trip! sorry we missed ya but maybe next time :)
Wow, that was a crazy couple of months that you just had. Your trip to Disneyland looked like a blast! I can't believe that she slept that long...she must have played hard. I saw in the Leader that Lamont was getting married. Wow, how did he grow up so fast? Last time I saw him he was running around in a diaper. If I hadn't seen his wedding announcement I would have thought he was Jesse from your picture. It's crazy how time flies. I'm glad that you had a good Christmas and hope you get a vacation from your vacation now that your home.
Wow, it looks like you had a busy couple of months. I hope we get to go to Disneyland sometime before Kylie grows out of loving the Disney Princesses. Your kids are adorable. I am glad you all had so much fun over the Holidays.
I wanted to let you know that I have a blog now.
I will be making it private in a week or two so email me if you want access to it.
Brittans dress is amazing! Its so adorable! Love the ears! Im glad your finally back and can get back to your lives, although i loved seeing you guys for a couple of days. I cant wait to come out again I already miss you and your cute fam... Well just the kids! haha jk Shaun! Hopefully next time Darbie comes to Utah you can too! I know Britt would like that:)
I am so glad you loved Disneyland. It honestly is my most favorite place to go!!! I love that Brittan loved all of it and Corbin found a ride he loved!!
I am so sorry Corbin got sick here in Utah, although I am glad we got to see you before that happened! You have been very busy, but it sounds like you had a lot of fun and a Merry Christmas. I am so glad, and glad to see you safely home!!!!!
Good times. Sounds like the trip was full of fun things, too much to write. Brittan does look super cute.
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