And as stressful as all that is, it is only the beginning. But, not all bad. The one thing I have realized since living in Minnesota is you really have to take advantage of the spring and summer. And we have. We are outside every day playing. We have already been to two beaches (it would be more but it has been a very nice spring, only having 2 hot days so far), camping, and to 2 different zoos. Swimming lessons have started, and soon they will get to go to playground camp for two weeks. Corbin is on a Miracle League T-ball/baseball team. It has been a lot of fun. Last week they had the opening ceremony and Corbin and Shaun got to meet Harmon Killebrew (hall of fame baseball player who played for the twins). He was very nice and Corbin got a signed baseball.
We have had two graduations in our family. First, after three long but worthwhile years, Shaun graduated from law school. It is crazy it is already over. I was worried before we packed up our family and moved across the country if it would be worth it. Not only has it been worth it, but the best thing our family has done. We have met and made lifelong friends, and found an amazing place to raise a family. Next on the list is taking the bar. It's like 2 1/2 months of studying for finals. Yuck!!
The second graduation is from preschool. I can't believe I will have two kids in kindergarten. I have to admit it was very hard for me to let go of preschool. We have been at the community center, and partner's preschool since we moved here three years ago. The kids are defininetely ready. Brittan is officially out of special education and Corbin is ready for a more consistent week. I will miss the interaction with the teachers, therapists, and paras, but look forward to the next step. Corbin has had some amazing teachers and paras, and I will admit I cried thinking about Corbin having to leave them behind (they have done awesome with Brittan as well).
The final reason for my craziness is we will be adding the fifth member of our family in November (hopefully). It has been four months of bimonthly appointments and ultrasounds. I love my doctor, she is on top of everything and I am trying very hard not to worry. It's fun to watch the baby grow and develop every two weeks, but it's even better for my sanity to hear from the doctor that everything is looking fine (the ultrasounds are mainly to check my cervix to make sure it is not starting to shorten prematurely again). If, after 25 weeks everything continues to look good the appointments will be less frequent until the end when you have more appointments (haven't been that far before, so not sure what that will be like).
I'd say that is a definition of a wonderful life!
I'm glad you are doing so well. Good luck with the pregnancy!!
Wow, you've had a lot going on. You look really pretty in those graduation pictures.
Congratulations on expecting! I hope everything continues to go well with the baby.
Good luck with the pregnancy and congrats on the graduation! What an accomplishment. I love the mud picture also!
for some reason this just made me cry. i was thinking about you yesterday and wishing i could see you and your family. you are an amazing woman and mother! congrats to shaun on graduating (i assume you are staying in MN??) congrats on preschool graduation! what a fun accomplishment! and especially congratulations on the new addition!! i hope you are feeling well and the anxiety can lessen more and more. you are in my prayers!
I am so happy for you guys!! Congrats to you both on graduation, doesn't it feel great to be done?...well, after the yucky bar is over!
I LOVE the picture of Corbin in the mud...Darbie, your are one amazing Mom!!!
I'm so happy to hear that all is still going well with the pregnancy, you'll make it full term I just know it!!!
I'm so glad you guys made the trek across country to MN and lived across the hall from us. The friendships and memories that we made during law school made it all worth it!! You guys are awesome!
All I can say is CONGRATULATIONS!!! There are so many levels to say that on.... to ALL of you! Darbie, you have an adorable, wonderful family and I am so happy for everything going on in your life. Time goes too fast. Our babies will be in Kindergarten, you have another one on the way, and yes Law School is done!
I am so glad Minnesota was our destinations, and I am so glad for Friends. Take care, Good Luck. I will talk to you soon!!! Miss you guys.
congrats on another baby! hope everything continues to go well with your pregnancy. and congrats on all the graduations, they are so fun to look back on! and love the mud picture, makes me want to let my kids get more dirty than i do :)
Darbie? I knew a Darbie this the same Darbie knew of? It must be. How are you? It's been a while. It sounds like you guys are doing well. I can't believe your kids will be in KinderG. With your hubby graduating he is going to have to get a real job now and you will then REALLY feel like adults. Anyway, I'd like to know what's your next step. I know you are busy but email sometime.
Wow! So many changes happening! It sounds like you're all making excellent progress. I hope the coming months go VERY well for all of you. Congratulations! I hope the pregnancy goes well. You should try some Red Raspberry tea to help with the health of your cervix. I've had some great experiences with it.
Wow, so many things going on in your life! I had no idea some of those were happening. That is what you get when you lose touch for a few years. Congrats to Shaun and congrats on the baby. Good luck with everything and all the appointments!
Congrats Shaun on graduating and the kids too. Congrats on the new addition to the family too. I hope all goes well with this pregnancy. Good luck!
Love you guys to bitz. I think you're going to continued to be blessed with angels that will help your family every step of the way. Good luck with your schedule and I wish you peace and patience during your pregnancy.
Congrats on everything!! The graduations--the new baby to come! I hope all goes well this time, I am sure it will! Let us know when you come to Utah next!
Congratulations on everything! I hope the summer and fall go smoothly and uneventfully!! Take care!
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